Scans de la revue Byte Magazine
Articles parus dans la revue américaine Byte Magazine et traitant des calculatrices et ordinateurs de poche. Période de 1975 à 1985 environ.
The HP 65 - World's smallest computer system The SR 52 : Another world's smallest TI SR60 & HP 9825A Hewlett Packard HP 91 The buried gold in the SR 52 SR 52 Card BLACKJACK SR 52 jeu de Nim SR 52 - Write an application program Texas Instruments TI 57 - 58 - 59 The HP 67 and HP 97 Commander in Chief a game for TI 58 Some random games TI 58/59 Eight calculating queens TI SR 56 Race car for TI SR 52 The power of the HP 67 Programmable Calculator Part 1 Digits TI SR 52 A binary guessing game HP 25 Digital circuit simulation TI 59 Mechanics simulation for HP 67/97 The power of the HP 67 Programmable Calculator Part 2 Extended Multiplication TI 58 - Calculator airborne navigation HP 25 Analysis of Polynomial functions with the TI 59 The periodic chart at your fingertips TI 59 Darth Vador's Force Battle for TI 59 - Prime numbers on HP 19C The TRS 80 Pocket Computer Computer in a case (HHC) Numerical analysis for the TRS 80 Pocket Computer A Pocket Computer ? Sizing up the HP 41C Generating Bar Code in the Hewlett Packard format (HP 41C) Hand Held Computers Self modifying code for the TI 58/59 The HP 41C - A literate calculator ? Hunt the Wumpus with your HP 41C A Chessboard journey on the TI 59 Programmable Calculator 81 07 - Kalman Mileage Predictor Monitor (HP 67) Four new products from Radio Shack (TRS PC-2) The Epson HX-20 The Hewlett Packard Interface Loop - HP IL Draw poker for TI 59 A new horizon for non vocal communication devices (HHC) Getting the most from your TI Programmer Deus ex machina of the technological age (HP 75) Little big computer the TRS 80 Model 100 Nec PC-8201 Portable computer Sunrise Systems Developping a truly portable Visicalc (HP 75C) Epson's HX 20 and TI CC 40 How to choose a portable The HP 75 Portable computer The Radio Shack TRS 80 Model 100 The Espon Geneva PX-8
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